Day passes are valid for any day during the season that's convenient for you.
No need to choose your dates - it's up to you when you show up.
During the season (usually April - October) we are open every day 10AM - 5PM, unless it rains.
How many seasons would you like?
(hint: buying more than 1 season guarantees your price won't go up!) *
Please fill out your information:
Please enter First Name
Please enter Last Name
Please enter Email
Please enter Phone
Please enter Date of Birth
Please enter Postal code
Add more people from your household to your pass (including babies, if any).
Please note that passes beyond 6 people must be in the same family, residing under the same address.
$3.50 each from 1 to 3
$2.75 for 4+
$2.75 for 4+
Remember our rules: *
- Everyone listed must reside at the same household
- You cannot share your pass with anyone not added to the pass
Please check box above
Total number of people:
{{ peopleCount + 1 }}
Number of babies:
{{ sumByAge[0] }} x ${{ pricing[0] }}.00
Number of children:
{{ sumByAge[1] }} x ${{ pricing[1] }}.00
Number of adults:
{{ sumByAge[2] }} x ${{ pricing[2] }}.00
Number of seniors:
{{ sumByAge[3] }} x ${{ pricing[3] }}.00
{{ years }} seasons x ${{ cart['oneyear'].toFixed(2)
${{ cart['subtotal'].toFixed(2) }}
{{ popcorn }} x ${{ popcornPrice.toFixed(2) }}
${{ cart['total'].toFixed(2) }}
Price includes HST
HST # 124253881 RT0001